Easter: Yes or No?

Easter is a big deal to me. As our kids have grown and gotten married and with the loss of my mother-in-law, family Easter lunches have faded away (a source of annual sadness), but the importance of the day remains. I do not exaggerate when I say that almost everything I hope for, every aspiration for which I strive, and even the values that guide my practice, have the meaning of Easter as their source.

While I was walking my dogs this morning before church, I found myself reflecting on the holiday and wondering how I could communicate Easter’s significance to my friends who do not share my faith. Most non-Christians are at least marginally aware of Easter’ standing as a religious holiday, and I suspect the majority have heard someone say it is the day Christians celebrate the resurrection of Jesus. Despite this passing knowledge, it has been my experience that the essentialness of the day escapes them. (It has been my experience that the essentialness of the day is lost upon many who profess the Christian faith as well.)

The first observation to enter my mind was that Easter is the only “Yes or No” holiday. I say this because the central claim of Easter, that two thousand years ago a man named Jesus was executed and then rose from the dead, is one that people either believe or reject. They either respond to the resurrection claims by saying, “Yes, he did” or “No, he didn’t.” (I am sure there are some who might say “I don’t know if that is true,” but in my experience these folks are usually leaning one way or the other.)

The implications of the Easter claim that Jesus rose from the dead are profound. If he did, he is unlike all other prophets or religious teachers. He becomes more than just a man, he becomes the Son of God. (One could say that the resurrection is in itself an argument for the existence of God). The Apostle Paul, in his letter to Roman Christians wrote that Jesus was “declared to be the Son of God in power… by his resurrection from the dead. To put it another way, if Jesus rose from the dead, all of his teachings and assertions are proven true and we would be fools if we did not follow them.

If Easter’s claim is false, it is profoundly important in another way. If Jesus is still dead, every Christian religion is a waste of time. Every dollar spent on the church, bibles, missionaries, and seminary training is a dollar wasted. Every minute spent on prayer, bible study and church attendance is a waste of time. If he is not risen, there is nothing special about Jesus’ teachings, and he was nothing more than a mentally ill man with grandiose claims. The Apostle Paul understood this, in one of his letters writing, “if Christ has not been raised, your faith is worthless.”

I was in my early twenties when I first recognized the importance of being able to answer questions about the resurrection. Though I had heard and read the gospel accounts dozens of times, I had never explored the available historical evidence. I was a little trepidatious at the outset and wondered what I would do if I found the evidence lacking! To my great relief, what I learned strengthened my faith and deepened my commitment. I feel confident each Easter when I say, “He is risen, indeed!”

I know this post is not very entertaining and some may consider it too preachy, but it is Easter! These were the thoughts going through my mind this morning and I thought I would share them. If you are interested in reading about the historical arguments in support of the resurrection, you will find links to articles at the bottom of this post.


One final note to my patients who read this-

My commitment to loving and serving each and every person who walks through my door is based on my faith, not yours. There never has been, nor will there ever be, a time when my faith prevents me from giving you my best!






