A Letter to my Friends


I want to hear about you.

I want to hear about you and your spouse, about your health and your happiness. I want to hear about the vacations you’ve taken and the trips you’ve planned. I want to hear about the difficulties you have been facing, how you are dealing with them and how I can help. I want to hear your funny stories and share the laughter, to hear the sad stories and share the pain.

I want to hear about your family, about your children and your grandchildren, about first steps and first dates, baby steps and giant leaps. I want to see pictures and hear the stories that go with them. I want to hear about their successes and their struggles, their dreams and their plans.

I even want to hear about your pets, (especially about your dogs), the funny things they do and how they are a part of your family.

I want to hear about those things that I can share with you, your joys and your sorrows. I want to hear how I can encourage you, to partner with you on the road of life. I want to pray for you, that you may know God and His plans, and that you may follow Him.

What I don’t want to hear about is your political views. I most likely know them, and they probably aren’t unique to you. I’m certain I have heard the same perspectives expressed by others hundreds of times in the last few months. I don’t want to hear because your politics aren’t what make you special or interesting. Your politics aren’t you, and it is you I love and care about.
