Medicine is Changing. Are you Ready?

Medicine has changed and many patients did not get the memo. Electronic record keeping and computerized data bases have made it so every aspect of a patient's health is now monitored, tracked, and analyzed. There is no longer such a thing as a simple office visit as third parties are telling doctors what to do, how to do it and who to do it to. 

When I started in practice 21 years ago the business was pretty easy. Most patient visits could be divided into three categories- routine check-ups, follow up for chronic diseases, and sick visits. Check-ups were straight-forward, uneventful reviews of overall health. Chronic disease visits were also easy, encounters focused on the problem in question- check the blood pressure, review the cholesterol or blood sugar, and make medication adjustments and order appropriate tests. Sick visits were easiest of all, as most of them were upper respiratory illnesses that could be handled quickly. 

Another characteristic of that era was that patients were responsible for their own care. We told them what they needed to do to be healthy, recommended screening tests such as colonoscopy and mammograms and encouraged appropriate diet and follow up tests. Whether or not they wanted to follow instructions was up to the patients. Being human beings, many patients didn't. Some forgot, many simply had other priorities. It was frustrating when patients did not do what they should for their health but we accepted the reality of the situation.

There was another reality that eluded both doctors and patients, and this reality led to changes in the way health care is delivered. The bad decisions patients made did not just effect them. When illness occurred as a result of these poor choices someone else, the insurance company, had to pay the bills. Insurers decided they wanted healthier patients and determined that reaching this goal required a dramatic change in how doctors practiced. The change came in the form of quality measurements. Doctors were to be held accountable for the decisions patients made, graded and financially incentivized based on the percentage of their patients who did what they were supposed to.

A new era of accountability has dawned. Doctors are now bombarded with forms and scorecards showing the percentage of patients who had mammograms, Pap Smears and colonoscopy. Reports pour in every week with the names of patients who have not been filling prescriptions on time, asking doctors to confront their patients about their non-compliance. Hours and hours of staff time are spent tracking chronic disease such as diabetes, with patients being reminded again and again to get eye exams, control their blood pressure and cholesterol and get their sugars under control.

The rules haven’t only changed for disease management. MediCare wellness guidelines are so arbitrary that we are required to annually discuss incontinence, fall risk, memory loss, ability to care for oneself, end of life issues and control of chronic pain with every single patient above the age of 65 regardless of health status. We have to check the same boxes for a debilitated 88 year-old as we do for a vibrant 65 year-old who plays competitive tennis, which is a bit puzzling to the 65 year-old!

The result of all of these metrics, reports and guidelines is that patients who come in for one problem find themselves being bombarded with instructions and questions for multiple other conditions they didn’t come in for. This can lead to defensiveness and a breakdown in communication, encounters that leave both the patient and the doctor feeling frustrated or dissatisfied.

So what to do? We start by understanding the new paradigm. I have begun educating my patients about the changes in healthcare. I explain to them the standards to which I am held and how their compliance has a dramatic impact on my practice and I am asking them for their help. The result? Increased cooperation, better understanding and decreased frustration. Medicine has changed  but if doctors and patients truly partner together we should be able to find a way to make it work for all of us.

- Bart

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